After reaching the no2bounce validator tool, you should find the single / bulk email validation options on the left side of the UI. For a single email, verification uses the single email validation tool. First, type in your required email address and choose to validate option. Next, click on the bulk validation option from the UI and upload your email list in 'CSV' format for bulk email validation. Once you have uploaded the file, click the validation icon.
No2bounce will validate your email addresses in less than a minute for single validation, and the duration will expand for bulk validation depending on the number of data enrolled. For example, the tool takes approximately 10 minutes for 500 emails
Download results from no2bounce
Once your file has finished validation, no2bounce automatically downloads your document on the path you configured through your browser. Following this operation, you can also download files after 15 days of validation from the download icon in the UI.
The result files will have the status update timestamp, error message, and deliverability score, along with the email addresses you provide.
Email score
An email score is a visual representation allowing you to interpret each email address's authenticity quickly.
Join the best now! Validate your emails! Get ahead in the game!